The Mad Speaker! FEEL ITS FURY!

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The Mad Speaker

I once bought a mad speaker for $15.99 at Best Buy. It was foaming at the mouth and was exploding its toe like you wouldn't believe, all over my bathroom floor. I tried to get a hold of it to scold it, but it scampered away from me and blew fire breath out the window, extinguishing a snake that happened to be flying by. I always knew speakers should use mouthwash! It should be a requirement of all speakers! Otherwise they get bad breath and extinguish poor innocent snakes flying by the window. Anyhow, upon doing this, the speaker leapt up onto the podium and started doing the hokey pokey, while waving its antanne wildly in the blue soap dish. Then it started eating a lemon popsicle, and it was so sour the speaker dashed out of the room, with earsplitting mutters. I never did see that speaker again. I expect it's in a zoo somewhere in Argentina. It would serve it right after all the trouble it caused.

World too normal for ya?

This is all I have for now - vote for your favorite nonsensical in the meantime!


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